The Manager will use CI’s VoF research framework to assess individual companies and industries and to construct a portfolio that aims to achieve the risk and return objectives.
The Manager will use CI’s VoF research framework to assess individual companies and industries and to construct a portfolio that aims to achieve the risk and return objectives. This means that we seek to invest in quality companies with a strong value proposition. The Fund will generally be fully invested and the level of exposure to specific companies, industries and markets will be selected by CI’s small, focused, experienced team using our VoF investment process.
Andrew Swan
Amos Hill
Frank Podrug
Unit price history (CSV)
Units in a unit trust – the CI Australian Equities Fund (the “Fund”)
Cooper Investors Pty Limited (“CI” or the “Manager”)
Citigroup Pty Limited
S&P/ASX 200 Accumulation Index
Income distributions will normally be paid half-yearly as at 31 December and 30 June (although the Manager has the discretion to distribute more frequently) and will automatically be invested in further units unless a unit holder elects otherwise.
Performance & Reporting
Following the minimum initial investment, $50,000 minimum tranches may be invested on each Tuesday and the last day of each month.
$50,000 minimum tranches (provided that the unit holder maintains a minimum investment of $500,000) may be redeemed on each Tuesday and the last day of each month, with 1 business day’s notice.
Management Fee
0.75% per annum of the Net Asset Value (before fees and expenses) plus GST calculated and paid monthly in arrears directly from the Fund.
Performance Fee
10% of the Fund’s out-performance of the Benchmark plus GST (calculated and paid monthly in arrears directly from the Fund). A high water mark applies.
The Steps
How to invest.
The minimum initial investment in the Fund (and the minimum holding) is $500,000 and the minimum subsequent investment is $50,000.