The Endeavour Fund invests in a portfolio of global listed small companies.
The objective is to compound capital at attractive rates of return over the period of a decade. The Fund is focused on capital preservation, invests long-only and does not apply leverage.
Long Term: we assess risk and opportunity over an industrial timescale, not a financial timescale.
Concentrated: we hold circa 15 deeply researched, diversified investments.
Specialisation: we invest in only five business models.
Leverage Cooper Investors: we leverage CI’s scale and global network.

Marcus Guzzardi

Geoffrey Di Felice
Unit price history (CSV)
Units in a unit trust – the Cooper Investors Endeavour Fund (the “Fund”)
$100,000 (Wholesale investors only)
Cooper Investors Pty Limited (“CI” or the “Manager”)
Citigroup Pty Limited
Absolute return hurdle of 8% per annum.
Income distributions will normally be paid half-yearly as at 31 December and 30 June (although the Manager has the discretion to distribute more frequently) and will automatically be invested in further units unless a unit holder elects otherwise.
Performance & Reporting
Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance
^Partial Year (inception date was August 2021)
Source: Internal CI data reports, January 31, 2025
Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance
Source: Internal CI data reports, January 31, 2025
Investment Horizon
10 years
Portfolio Construction
A concentrated portfolio of circa 15 investments with ability to hold cash at the manager’s discretion
Unhedged (with capacity to hedge)
Management Fee
1.2% per annum of the Net Asset Value (before fees and expenses) plus GST calculated and paid monthly in arrears directly from the Fund.
Performance Fee
15% of returns over 8% (after the management fee, subject to high water mark) plus GST.
Monthly with 30 days notice
The Steps
How to invest.
To register your interest in investing please contact Client Relations or Ron Galea for further information.