The Fund will invest in global equities where we identify compelling Risk Adjusted Value Latency.
We apply the CI Way and VoF investment process across a focused watchlist of companies identified through both qualitative and quantitative research, along with an extensive company visitation programme. Diversification of risks is achieved through owning businesses across different Subsets of Value, industries, regions and sizes.
The Fund may differ significantly from the benchmark, may invest in stocks of any size, and will generally be fully invested in 30-50 holdings. The manager will use forward exchange contracts or options to hedge out most currency risk on the foreign assets.

Marcus Guzzardi

Geoffrey Di Felice
Unit price history (CSV)
Minimum Initial Investment $20,000. Units in a unit trust – the Cooper Investors Global Equities Fund (Hedged) (the “Fund”)
Cooper Investors Pty Limited (“CI” or the “Manager”)
Equity Trustees Limited
Citigroup Pty Limited
MSCI ACWI 100% Hedged to AUD net dividends
Income distributions will normally be paid half-yearly as at 31 December and 30 June (although the Manager has the discretion to distribute more frequently) and will automatically be invested in further units unless a unit holder elects otherwise.
Performance & Reporting
Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance
Inception Date: 1 December 2004. Initially, the Fund invested predominately in Australian equities. However since May 2006, the Fund has been invested in a broad range of global equities. With effect from 1 October 2020, the benchmark for changed to the MSCI ACWI 100% Hedged to AUD net dividends (previously MSCI AC World net dividends in local currency)
Source: Internal CI data reports, January 31, 2025
Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance
Source: Internal CI data reports, January 31, 2025
Applications & Redemptions
Applications & Redemptions are processed on a daily basis.
Management Fee
1.2%pa. inclusive of GST of the net asset value (NAV) of the fund.
Performance Fee
10% (plus GST) of the amount by which the fund’s performance exceeds the benchmark. A high water mark applies.
The Steps
How to invest.
The minimum initial investment in the Fund (and the minimum holding) is $20,000 and the minimum subsequent investment is $10,000.